Sunday, May 9, 2010

UM EE 06/07 summary.

Just to share with you about my 4 years as a University of Malaya Electrical Engineering student. Now I'm just waiting for my last presentation in UM for my precious thesis project.

During matriculation, my best Chinese friend told me that I need to get 4.00 to enter UM EE, and UM EE is really though. But I still choose that because of my interest.

July 06 - My first step in um (5th colleague), I'm coming to UM with zero idea but I know that I'm taking Electrical Engineering. You know what, for the second times I feel quite afraid facing the best students selected from matriculation, PASUM and STPM.

2007/2008 - I've got a serious business with Abd.Halim in starting an independent electronic project before we totally involve in fully hardware project which is constructing electric dc-motor from waste material. That was the first to initiate Vortex Electrica.

2008/2009 - More advance electronic exploration done in microcontroller with a new partner joining Vortex Electrica. Fakhruddin was the one who responsible for programming part when we was preparing our beloved robot 'avoidroid' for maze robot competition.

2009/2010 - This is the most compact time for me when I'm joining 2 technology exhibitions, UM FESENI acoustic, 2 live acoustic and 1 full-band performance as guitarist, my thesis project and 4 subjects for examination. ^^ I don't know what to say, but from that I've already sacrifice the 4 subjects which I considered the worst examination in the whole 4 years. =p

To all EE friend who read this article : you should know that we are the best in Malaysia. Even we got a lower pointer compare to the others, the company know who is the best. You are the selected peoples to be here as UM EE. I'm really proud to have all of you because the way you thinking are totally critical then the others. Thank you for giving me the pro-active environment, hopefully the friendship that we build in this 4 years remains forever.


  1. you are welcome mr abdul halim poh yuen wu!!

  2. I like your last paragraph, give me a good motivation..people knows who is the best..=)

  3. yes im agree with zul.. actually for me,pointer doesnt mean any "life decider".. as long u have suffiecient knowledges in particular field,good personality and communication skills,and not to mention good in practically (cause good in theories doesnt mean anything..a good engineer is the one who not only good in managing staffs but also the one who is good in practically beside all the calculating and giving order bla3), u r welcome to the world of EE carier..

  4. nice line shahril.
    good summary in 4years at UM.


  5. great post. Selamat menjd graduan. hehe. kite bkn mahasiswa lagi dh. dh xbole hidup2 = p


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