Sunday, May 9, 2010

They are just another robots...

I'm really fanatic about robotic. Since I was in secondary school, I've trying to modified all my toys to functioning as what I want. It is start with a remote control car. The RC transmitter inside it give a lot of fun. I keep hacking the circuit and mount it on the handmade boat, firecracker rocket launcher, an even a homemade aeroplane(sure that will not flying until the end,hehehe).

Sometimes, it seem really a waste of time when I keep hacking the toys without any knowledge. Some of friends said to me, "you are wasting your time,better you go and study for your SPM". It really hurt to hear that.But for me, if everyone are the same as everyone, then what are the unique identities do we have?

When somebody critics you badly, then talk to yourself, "At least I can do something rather than you(that somebody) keep talking and have less output than me..". That was nothing to do with too much achievement, what do we care is about how much effort do we give to achieve something. If we think too much about people opinions, then we are not going anywhere. (^^)

This some of the robot I've build during studies in University of Malaya.

1. Photovore ( 2007), 1st year

2. 4 Legs BEAM ( 2008), 2nd year

3. Avoidroid ( 2008) , 3rd year

4. Mind 01 ( 2009), 3rd year

5. Metohexal 2.0 (2009), 3rd year


  1. sedihny top secret avoidroid dah kne curi. huhu. Rest In Piece. Nice post cha. tesis ko xdikira robot ke? = p

  2. hahaha, thesis aku ada class lain, next post cha. R.I.P avoidroid.

  3. dat's right shahril.we're not moving anywhere if we took the critics as a negative least you got something than nothing.dulu saya selalu down ngn kritikan dr people surrounding.but time changes, I always take a positive one with that.yeahh..robot robot.;)


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